

Мусорный континент находится в Северо-тихоокеанской системе теченийМусорный континент находится в Северо-тихоокеанской системе течений

This is a chronicle of the implementation from scratch of the "Island Opportunity" project, which launched on May 5, 2023.

The author of the channel is Dmitry Sviridov, a radio physicist by education, an IT specialist by profession, and a project leader for creating and implementing digital solutions in various industries and countries with almost 20 years of experience. Currently, I live and work in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Why "Island Opportunity"?

If you haven't heard of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (the Patch) yet, know that it exists and is growing. Once, I also heard about it for the first time, and I didn't like this new knowledge. Hundreds of "shales" and mountains of plastic spoons and forks that were lying on the shore of an Indonesian island, in the Indian Ocean, back in 2007, immediately came to mind. At that time, it seemed like inappropriate exoticism. Now, garbage on the shores of once pristine islands has become commonplace.

This project is about the opportunity for an island in the heart of the Pacific Ocean. An island that will grow using material from the Patch. The island will grow, and the Patch will shrink.

The island should be as autonomous as possible, so that it is not necessary to chase after every trifle on the mainland. There should be living and working conditions for everyone who wants to live and work there.

To make the Island Opportunity a reality, much needs to be done, for example:

  • Choose and/or develop technologies for building artificial land in the open ocean, as well as technologies for sustaining the island's population;

  • Model and test the construction and life support processes on an experimental platform (on a natural island, for example, in Malaysia);

  • Conduct expeditions to the Patch, to the potential location of the island, collect water and air samples, and material samples for construction;

  • Establish the island and launch its continuous construction;

  • Populate the island with people who want to live and work there.

It is clear that the project needs to be funded. Therefore, in addition to stories about technologies and project development, the channel will also feature financial reports.

All subscribers to this channel automatically become part of the "Island Opportunity" project team. This does not impose any obligations on you, although constructive advice, criticism, and simple words of support are always welcome.

However, if you feel that you can be useful to the project (in any capacity - as an inventor, technologist, builder, marketer, patron, or investor), let us know.

Let's discuss and find a task that is within your capabilities and to your liking.